
Teachers' Remarks II|周旎:建立良好的自我学习以及解决问题的能力

CUHKSZMUS 香港中文大学深圳音乐学院 2023-08-24

音乐艺术直抵人类灵魂,音乐艺术家是人类灵魂的守望者、工程师。对憧憬踏入音乐殿堂的青年学子来说,引路人的心声、箴言就是他们漫漫求索路的“灯塔”。学子遇到好老师是一种幸运;学校有一群大师是一种荣光。香港中文大学(深圳)音乐学院音乐大师云集,发挥他们的领头、启迪作用,持续实施“艺术灯塔计划”,意义重大,影响深远。有鉴于此,我院在“师说心语” 的基础上,正式启动“师说心语II”专栏系列访谈。


Music and art have a profound impact on the human soul. Musicians and artists are the guardians and engineers of this profound realm. For young students who aspire to enter the realm of music, the heartfelt voices and wise sayings of mentors are their "lighthouses" in their exploration. It's a fortune for students to have good teachers, and it's a glory for the school to have a group of masters. The School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen boasts an abundance of music masters, and we harness their leadership and enlightening roles by implementing the significant and far-reaching "Art Lighthouse Project". The "Teachers' Remarks II" interview series is now officially launched building on the success of the previous column.

In this issue, we invited Ni ZHOU, Lecturer of Opera & Voice at the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. Let's listen to Ms. ZHOU's "remarks"!

周旎 老师  Ms. Ni ZHOU  



Life in the university differs greatly from high school in that students need to cultivate strong self-learning and problem-solving abilities.



Life in the university is different from the one in high school. One significant distinction is that students need to develop strong self-learning and problem-solving abilities. During high school, we usually study under the guidance of teachers, whereas in the university, we need to rely more on ourselves to complete our studies. In contrast to high school, university courses are generally more in-depth, specialized, and challenging. There is a stronger emphasis on self-directed learning, exploring and comprehending complex knowledge, and applying the knowledge to practical issues. Therefore, establishing a solid self-learning ability is crucial. We need to learn how to formulate study plans, find suitable learning methods, and be capable of independent studying and thinking.


In this issue, let's hear from Ms. Ni ZHOU and see what views she has on the questions "What is the significance and mission of nurturing talent in universities in the new era?" "How should young people fulfill their mission in universities?" "How can university students in the new era enhance their self-learning and problem-solving abilities?" and "How to manage facial expressions and demeanor during performances?" Ms. ZHOU also shares some key insights regarding vocal studies. Let's take a look together!





Lecturer of Opera & Voice



2021年,周旎老师与丹麦皇家歌剧院著名歌剧艺术指导Thomas Darelius合作并于丹麦皇家音乐厅成功举办个人独唱音乐会,同年与哥本哈根爱乐乐团合作在丹麦Tivoli音乐厅举办“Brass&Opera”音乐会。

周旎老师曾获第十届比利时“贝尔艺术”国际声乐比赛(Xo Concours Lyrique International “Bell’Arte”)第二名、“全国高等艺术院校·艺术歌曲(法语)大赛”一等奖以及多项国家级奖学金等。留学期间,她曾担任丹麦皇家音乐学院教学主管Eva Hess Thaysen教授的声乐助理教师一职。

Ni ZHOU is currently serving as a lecturer at the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. As a young soprano, she graduated from the Voice and Opera Performance of the Central Conservatory of Music. After that, she obtained the highest diploma-Performing Artist of the Royal Danish Academy of Music.

She has starred in world-famous operas such as The Heart of a Woman, Cosi Fan Tutte, Lucia di Lammermoor, Die ZauberFlöte, Turandot, and the modern opera Dalloway. She also played the role of Chang E in China National Arts Fund Opera Flying to the Moon. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Denmark after World War II, she recorded three Danish classic songs (Chinese version) at the Danmarks Radio and released them worldwide.

In 2021, Ni ZHOU successfully held a debut concert at the RDAM’s Concert Hall. In the same year, she cooperated with the Copenhagen Philharmonic to give a special concert of “Brass & Opera” at the Tivoli in Denmark.

She won the second prize at “Xo Concours Lyrique International Bell’Arte”, the first prize at the National Art Song (French) Competition, and a number of national scholarships. She served as an assistant teacher of EVA Hess Thaysen while studying at the Royal Danish Academy of Music.







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